Saturday 28 July 2012

Plans for the summer

So I must apologise for being rubbish about posting this last week, I have been rubbish at tweeting, face booking, tumbling, the lot! I even missed the powercakes 'power meal a week' update last sunday!! Things have been pretty hectic, I've been on placement a lot, working, and have had some family stuff to sort.

However...I have now finished my placement so will no longer be doing crazy hours, getting up at 5am and doing a 100 mile round trip each day....phew!!! I will still be working over the summer but no where near as many hours, and have no assignments due in..WAHOO!!!

The view from the pool
So this past week has been a bit wishy washy with workouts, I managed to squeeze 1 gym session in where I focused on doing compound movements, including; pushups, pull-ups, squats, deadlifts and bench press. I was hoping to go for a run yesterday but it was far too hot (not something we have been able to say often here in the UK this summer!) however I decided to still get a cardio workout in and went to my local outdoor pool, which was absolutely gorgeous! It was quite busy, but they sectioned a part off for length swimmers which worked well. I have swam ever since I can remember, me and my sister would spend hours in the water as kids, we loved it and still do. The pool I went to is free (bonus!!) so hopefully will be visiting there a few more times this summer, it also is right by the sea so has an awesome view.
The past weeks weather

Although I haven't got as many workouts in this week as I hoped I have been keeping active in the lovely weather we have been experiencing, I have spent a fair few hours gardening, which was quite a workout hacking at the bushes! We've also been on several evening walks, and went to the beach for a cheat meal BBQ yesterday evening.
About 8pm up on the Hoe

Nutrition wise I have kept on track, although I did get enticed in by a few chocolates at work this week, they were small ones though!! Haha! But because the weather has been hot, I have eaten quite a lot of salad, I love it when its hot as all I want to eat is salad and fruit! Today has not been quite so good though, we had sausages and bacon left over from last nights BBQ so had them for breakfast! And as the weather was hot we also had a frappucino and ice cream this eve! OOPS! But as I have said many a time before tomorrow is a new day!

I really enjoy weight training, and get results from it, so have also spent some time this week finding a plan I can hopefully stick to, the plan I am going to hopefully start tomorrow is from and it incorporates both weight training and cardio, for my cardio I am going to continue with my 10k training plan, and maybe throw in a few classes here and there for fun, when my sister is free. I will probably do this plan for a few weeks, which will give me time to finally get around to reading Brad Gouthro's book 'Awaken the Abs Within' I love this guy and find him so inspiring, many of my friends now also follow him, so if you don't already, you seriously need to! We bought this book a few months ago, my husband has read it, and is in need of new clothes as his now no longer fit, his physique has changed so much! Unfortunately for me uni has gotten in the way, however now its summer break 'Awaken the Abs Within' is on the top of my reading list, along with Mr Grey of course!

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